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Audition Bootcamp: Callbacks and Sides

February 26

Photo Credits

Photo by Rich Soublet II.

Audition Bootcamp: Callbacks and Sides


Audition Bootcamp: Callbacks and Sides

February 26, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PT in Hattox Hall

Audition Bootcamp: Callbacks and Sides is now full. If you're still interested, please email globelearning@TheOldGlobe.org to be added to the waitlist.

So, you rocked your audition! Now what?
This unique Globe Learning class will be led as an open audition that mimics an authentic real-world environment, with opportunities for participants to present prepared sides, and receive audition feedback from the Old Globe casting department. Class size is limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Application process includes submission of headshot and resume. Selected sides from two plays will be made available one week prior and participants are expected to prepare the sides prior to the class.

All participants will be masked and must show proof of vaccination. For more information, please review our COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy below.

COVID Health and Safety Policy


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