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Panel Discussions
Versions of Shakespeare: A Roundtable Discussion

June 27

General Admission

Panel Discussions Versions of Shakespeare: A Roundtable Discussion


The First Folio was not the first version of Shakespeare, and it has not been the last. It is the essential anchor to a remarkable array of retellings, rewritings, reprintings, abridgements, bowdlerizations, translations, films, operas, paintings, ballets, coffee mugs, and moveable action figures. Participants will each bring in a version of Shakespeare for a show and tell, leading to a roundtable discussion. This event will paint a variegated picture of Shakespeare and welcome participation by all those in attendance. Participants include Ray Chambers, Associate Professor and Head of Acting, Graduate Theatre at USD; Peter Herman, Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature at SDSU; and Abraham Stoll, Professor of English and Affiliated Professor of Graduate Theatre at USD.

Location: Neil Morgan Auditorium, Central Library @ Joan Λ Irwin Jacobs Common
Charge and RSVP: Free event, limited availability.