#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = The Old Globe - Shakespeare in San Diego ## Skin ### Button Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7.label = BOOK NOW Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3.label = BOOK NOW Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD_mobile.label = PANORAMAS Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259.label = Donate Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259_mobile.label = Sponsors Button_B5A554FA_AFCB_384C_41D5_488F21C9D0A2.label = Sponsors Button_E49FA958_CCBC_3A3F_41CB_9C85CA07BA12_mobile.label = Donate ### Multiline Text HTMLText_04FFBC2C_1216_7593_41A4_E1B06B145F04.html =
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Vivamus euismod condimentum ligula quis feugiat. Cras imperdiet tortor mi, a posuere velit tempus et. Maecenas et scelerisque turpis. Quisque in gravida leo, sed dapibus nibh. Ut at consequat turpis. Curabitur et tempor ex, aliquet interdum quam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
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### Label Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22.text = Shakespeare in San Diego Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22_mobile.text = Shakespeare in San Diego Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E.text = The Old Globe Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E_mobile.text = The Old Globe ## Media ### Title panorama_03DB2229_0F2A_30AD_418A_E5B065826941.label = Hamlet Props panorama_0928BE8E_18D8_50EC_4184_9AC913853326.label = Viola panorama_092EE44A_18D8_5054_41B2_7E6BA1696DF1.label = Costumes panorama_09491BD9_18D8_7077_41A8_DC24B51533E9.label = Case 4 panorama_0970CF87_18D8_50DB_4194_9F33C4EC806F.label = Case 5 panorama_099C75E8_18D8_3054_4169_D02E6E0E1DF8.label = Case 1 panorama_09E9270B_18D8_D1EB_4183_454C5CDA4276.label = Mural 2 panorama_0A0FC13C_18DB_D02C_41B0_6B2E45A7E3AE.label = Folio panorama_0A4F12BF_18D8_502B_419C_881A7A689655.label = Opening Mural panorama_0A5CA473_18D8_3034_41A4_60A91E943865.label = Gertrude panorama_0A7E5507_18D8_D1DC_41B0_A5562FAAE0BD.label = Hamelet panorama_0ABEA8AA_18D8_F0D5_4184_3AF1C4779A54.label = Hamlet Costumes panorama_0D51CF5F_18D8_506C_41A6_FB00631EDF1B.label = Midsummer Fairie panorama_1B5B1F59_0F36_D0ED_41A4_DDC704BE968D.label = Prop Case panorama_82EB78B7_913F_41E6_41D5_7A0369B63426.label = Case 2 panorama_AF79008E_BE98_746D_41CD_D6C3A77DBD80.label = Inside Case 4 panorama_AF797068_BE98_94D6_41CF_A3938128471B.label = Inside Case 5 panorama_C13B1A9E_CC8C_1E33_41E9_151F7F1F0DFB.label = Folio Up Close panorama_C14922D7_CC74_0E30_41DF_8C42DC9CA479.label = Case 3 panorama_C1DD507B_CC74_0AF1_41E3_61C25C4ECF5F.label = Othello panorama_C8F6518F_DE56_5488_41B4_BDAE4FCEDCB5.label = Set Model Hamlet panorama_E14191C6_EFF6_142C_41E6_D83B0A72A00E.label = Chair panorama_E18D21D4_EFF6_142C_41EC_C2EC54089DB4.label = King Henry Cape panorama_E8C78376_E7B7_778A_41E9_C89DBF97A00C.label = Case 1 panorama_EB39A0C5_E7AD_928E_41E0_10791DAF3DB2.label = Hermoine panorama_EB85634B_E7AF_779A_41E0_EEF2A9BC16FB.label = As you like it Clown panorama_EC2203F5_E7AC_F68E_41E0_A834AA0D8D03.label = Entryway photo_98EC408E_8EEA_985F_4196_CB43DC6513B2.label = B.Postcard photo_99AE910F_8EE6_985C_41D4_0A036D2F9F47.label = T.ChromePostcard photo_9D37A483_8EAF_F844_41D1_6C3E1665BAE7.label = E.Festival Players 3.5x5 photo_9DEACCEE_8ED9_89DF_41E1_8859F7652381.label = 1935(2) ## Popup ### Body htmlText_DF6E2BFE_C777_9BDF_41E3_026B4DE440B1.html =
Welcome to Shakespeare in San Diego: A Virtual Experience!
There are two ways to explore the space: You can get a fully guided tour by pressing the play button below, or you can explore by yourself!
Click on objects you’d like to see to move toward them in the space. You can also click on the floor to move to that spot. At any time, you can zoom in and out by using the (+) and (-) buttons. For a 360-degree view, hold down your mouse button or finger and drag.
We hope you enjoy your visit!"
htmlText_E4CCB9A3_CCBC_7A10_41DB_9951B45C4A9D.html =
The original Shakespeare in San Diego exhibit was originally created for and hosted at the San
Diego Central Library @ Joan Λ Irwin Jacobs Common. The original exhibit was presented in
conjunction with First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, on tour from the Folger
Shakespeare Library.
First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, on tour from the Folger Shakespeare Library
was made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities:
Exploring the human endeavor, and by the support of Google.org, Vinton and Sigrid Cerf, the
British Council, and other generous donors.
Supporters of the San Diego exhibition of First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, on
tour from the Folger Shakespeare Library and associated programming included: Diane and
John Berol, Audrey S. Geisel/The Dr. Seuss Fund at The San Diego Foundation, The David C.
Copley Foundation, The Favrot Fund, HoyleCohen, Ann Davies in Memory of John G. Davies, The
San Diego Foundation, United, The City of San Diego – Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Councilmember
Lorie Zapf, Councilmember Scott Sherman, Barbara and Mathew Loonin.
Partners for the San Diego First Folio! exhibition included: University of San Diego, San Diego
State University, University of California, San Diego, KPBS, The San Diego Commission for Arts
and Culture, and the San Diego Public Library Foundation.Partners for the San Diego First Folio!
exhibition include: University of San Diego, San Diego State University, University of California,
San Diego, KPBS, The San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, the San Diego Public Library
Foundation, and The Old Globe.
Special thanks for exhibition design, curation, and assistance go to: Barry Edelstein, Kara West,
Charlotte Devaux, Sean Fanning, Danielle Mages Amato, Darlene Gould Davies, Leila Knox,
Justin Waldman, the properties and costume shops of The Old Globe, and the many artists and
craftspeople whose work on Shakespeare have contributed to the material in this exhibition.
htmlText_E66CB082_CCB4_0A10_41BC_373C50EEA19D.html =
The original Shakespeare in San Diego exhibit was originally created for and hosted at the San
Diego Central Library @ Joan Λ Irwin Jacobs Common. The original exhibit was presented in
conjunction with First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, on tour from the Folger
Shakespeare Library.
First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, on tour from the Folger Shakespeare Library
was made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities:
Exploring the human endeavor, and by the support of Google.org, Vinton and Sigrid Cerf, the
British Council, and other generous donors.
Supporters of the San Diego exhibition of First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, on
tour from the Folger Shakespeare Library and associated programming included: Diane and
John Berol, Audrey S. Geisel/The Dr. Seuss Fund at The San Diego Foundation, The David C.
Copley Foundation, The Favrot Fund, HoyleCohen, Ann Davies in Memory of John G. Davies, The
San Diego Foundation, United, The City of San Diego – Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Councilmember
Lorie Zapf, Councilmember Scott Sherman, Barbara and Mathew Loonin.
Partners for the San Diego First Folio! exhibition included: University of San Diego, San Diego
State University, University of California, San Diego, KPBS, The San Diego Commission for Arts
and Culture, and the San Diego Public Library Foundation.Partners for the San Diego First Folio!
exhibition include: University of San Diego, San Diego State University, University of California,
San Diego, KPBS, The San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, the San Diego Public Library
Foundation, and The Old Globe.
Special thanks for exhibition design, curation, and assistance go to: Barry Edelstein, Kara West,
Charlotte Devaux, Sean Fanning, Danielle Mages Amato, Darlene Gould Davies, Leila Knox,
Justin Waldman, the properties and costume shops of The Old Globe, and the many artists and
craftspeople whose work on Shakespeare have contributed to the material in this exhibition.
## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_9741FD0C_848A_C078_41CD_B88BE609AE6E.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_9744ECDE_848A_C198_41A5_D2E699CE3B3D.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_97452CDE_848A_C198_41D0_6356ECF8AF81.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_9D6B8861_88EE_6F74_41D5_C03470575011.source = https://donate.theoldglobe.org/2021 LinkBehaviour_E49F6959_CCBC_3A31_41AE_D2309C9E55D9.source = https://donate.theoldglobe.org/2021